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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Allen Davis

Dear body - my suitcase for the spirit

It's been a long journey so far...43 years of calling this body home. We've been through so much together. I'd like to tell you I honored you most of the time, but let's be honest; for most of my life I've wanted to be in a different body. I've wanted to get rid of you or change you in for a taller, slimmer, more toned, athletic, admired version. I'd exchange your hair from straight to curly, anything but blue eyes, smaller feet, you name it, I've wanted it. Anything but the reflection in the mirror. I've worked so hard to run away from you.

But what I really want, really desire, is to be at home in you. Like when you walk into your home, kick your shoes off and sigh. Or when you enter a party that is in your honor. I want to feel that level of comfort and ease. At home is a state of being and to fully reside in you means to release the fear of not enough and to celebrate the moments breath by breath. What I now want is to be know freedom of body, mind, and Spirit. I choose to give you a voice and let you tell your story. It's about time you open your heart and sing.

How does your story echo through your body? How can you learn to celebrate the vehicle of your Spirit?

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